Monday, November 24, 2008


I sit here quietly. And as I close my eyes, I feel my heart jump and then it begins to race.

Something in me begins to stir.

Its an old but familiar feeling. I can feel the thrushing movement of a galloping stud next to me. I feel him as he stomps the ground and throws back his head profusely begging me to climb on. So I do.... I feel his every movement beneath my thighs. My fingers intertwined in his hair as we run with no idea as to where we'll stop. I watch as the clouds come in and the warm rain begins to fall . I lay back on the stallion and let my arms hang as the rain washes my face. The smell of fresh water and pines filter through the air. I grab my horse again as we head to an old willow tree whose branches nearly touch the ground. We stop to rest under the old trees shelter. I lay there thinking of the freedom I feel. The tranquilty of the day, the secrets the world will tell if you just listen. Dusk begins to set in as we are off again trotting next to the river. I can see my reflection and that of the dark pink hues above me as they fight to hold on to the sky before the stars set in. I feel the warm breeze behind me pushing me home. I hear the wind wistling through the old willow as if he was saying good bye to me.

I open my eyes feeling the untamed spirit within me. That of a coyote always on the go, and that of a bird who flys high above the mountain peaks looking down on Gods creation. There,... a wild river inside my heart that races over jagged rocks and rushes through crystal clear rapids.

"LIfe is a Run away Train you cant wait to jump on"

And its so true. I want to enjoy every aspect of this world. The freedom that lies in it and every untouched, unexplainable adventure.

I cant wait to make love in the rain of a thunder storm, or travel the back country. To carve our initials in every tree in the forest,...To pack up, get in the car and drive, and to stop somewhere weve never been somewhere we know no one. And to start over,....

I love to look into to my husbands eyes, see the fire, and wildness we both harbor. The chase is the best part....And when he catches me and wraps his arms around me and looks at me as though it was the first time hes ever seen me. I get lost every time he does.

My heart beats wild within me as I think of running through a field of wild flowers. Of just geting up and going. Theres so much undiscovered territory out there, so many adventures calling out to me.

God has blessed me with the same wild spirit that runs in the blood of those before me.

And this untamed spirit I hope to pass on. The knowledge of beauty, of art, of passion.

The purpose of love, ...

As I sit here and dream of the years left to come and the experiences left to have.... I am thankful. Thankful God allowed me to go down the path I went, and to learn what Ive learned. It is those years that I will never forget. Those years that made me who I am.

It is the experiences Ive had and the survival insticts that allowed to face every chance and let my hair down and my arms spread open to the world. I will alway invision myself atop the wild horse with the untames spirit that we share. And some day when my children are grown, I will open the door that continues to knock....and I will again embrace the heart stopping adventure I once knew,..... Until then, I can only dream and blog about the fire that burns inside of me, beging to be set free......

God gave me an Untamable Spirit, and a Need for adventure.



Thursday, November 13, 2008

Drug Tested....&& Ready to start working!!!

Took the test today and I want the results already!!! I know its going to come back as Positive so that scares m eeven though I have a prescription....So, I dont know. Just keep praying that I get the job!!!
Ill keep yall posted!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

On another NOTE..... I know its a little late..

I for one am Thankful that we have a country that bore honest freedom fighting young men and women. I married a veteran, am sister to a soldier , and daughter of a veteran.
I believe God will do with Obama what is written, But I also believe Obama is an Anti Christ...and will be poison to our country....
Proud Conservative....
WHo loves our country:)

Feeling Gods love today!!

So today's events went in order of how God had them planned for me. I woke up this morning feeling horrible. Pain in my uterus like its been for the last 3 months.... So i decided to keep Savannah home form school so she could help me through out the day, and had I taken her to school I would have been getting ready to pick her up at the exact time my blessing happened today:)
Anyways, Janet and Heather came over for coffee this morning....Heck fun fun.
I knew I had to take care of bills and insurance crap and what not so i did some while they were here.
Coincidentally Geneo and I had a discussion this morning about him needing chonies and socks for work. I decided last minute today that I would get him Some from Kmart. So when Janet left this morning I decided, might as well kill some time and go run errands. Well i decided to swing by Kmart. I picked up the things i needed, shampoo, deodorant, chonies, socks and a hair clip. ((my hairs getting too long)).... anyways, i decided to screw around and check out the clearance rack and look at the shoes and see what kind of candles were on sale, know the ones that smell amazing and make your house amazing......ooooh after about 30-40 minutes of playing in Kmart, the kids were ready to go.
Savannah was in the cart, josh was jumping on the side of the cart, Cheyenne was strapped down screaming because i wouldn't give her my phone!!! And all the while I'm looking for a check out isle. I decided to use the customer service one because it only had 2 people in line and there was 2 people behind the counter.
The kids started getting noisy again and Savannah knocked over a taking ELMO on the counter,... In which I proceeded to smack hands and tell the people behind the counter that this is why SAHM need jobs:)

I asked if they were applying. There was a man behind the counter in a button up shirt and tie, who looked like some kind of corporate guy, ...He asked if i put in an app. I said yes, 4 weeks ago. I didn't tell him that I had just called last week and there were NO openings, But instead thought, hey its worth a shot.
So he called back to the lady's office and told her something in a low voice.
Then told me to wait and shed call me back in a minute.
Now I'm ecstatic. I thought they'd say, yes or no were hiring, I didn't know I was going to meet the hiring lady!!!!!
Well they take me to her office where she pulls up my app, asks me some questions, and gives me a drug test contract to sign.
Long story short, I have to test in the morning, and they will email her the test results tomorrow, .....She said if I pass, and my background check is good, then I will be in for an orientation!!!

I may get the job!!! Most likely. I know I will pass the drug test and part of my criminal background came up. So, shes not seeing anything she disagrees with!!!!

What a blessing. I have been praying for a job and God totally fulfills my needs. What a great I belong to huh!
Please pray for me that everything works out.
I am so sooooooo excited!
Woo HOo

Sincerely, Blessed and Extremely Thankful on Wednesday

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nap time in the Turney House.

Nap time is a very treasured time in my house.
Its a time where mommy gets to reflect on the day, catch up on chores, pop in a movie and eat the stash of candy Ive been hiding so well.... Just me time. Thank God I was blessed enough to get 3 kids that fell into each others schedule. Up at 6am. Down for the night at 8.
Now nap time depends..... Some days, Cheyenne will get her nap at 9:30. Then She wakes up at 11 or so and all 3 of them go down for a nap at 2:15 when Savannah gets home. On the days that I am incredibly tired, I keep Cheyenne up until 12 noon. And Joshua and her both go down at 12 for a 2 hour nap. (I try to sleep...but usually do not succeed.)
Anyways, the days that Savannah is not at school are the hardest. Cheyenne gets worn on and takes her nap before they do, so when they go down, Mommy is stuck playing with Chey... :(
Well today she sat here screaming so I put her butt bac in bed, figured she can sit there quietly while the other 2 sleep.....haha ha....ha.Nope.
Im sitting here tinkering with my blog and I hear her say OOw. Plain as day. Now she doesnt say too much real good, but I know she can.....she just wont do it for me.
So Im listening and she says it again,....Ow...Ow....NOO!
I go sneaking in there and shes got her arm stuck up above the elbow in the crib slats....
I thought it was so cute I went in there, picked her up.....Of course she gave me a huge hug and kiss and said Mama...
Then he gave me the "more" sign.

I taught her a few signs, Thats the one that really stuck. So now every morning when she gets up she comes to our bed and does the "more" sign. She only uses it when she wants more food. SO now shes corralated it with eating. Anyways, so I gave her a pop tart and shes coloring,...Me, Im sitting here trying to figure out why I didnt make her wait for nap today....cuz I am TIRED.

Like I said, Nap time is very important in my house:) lol
Not today I guess

Painting a picture....

I Love to paint. Something about the brush strokes that just makes me feel alive...Every stroke different, every bristle individual. I just sit back and let the canvas take me somewhere. Somewhere with out the hustle and bustle of every day routine. There's no dishes on my canvas, no messes, no laundry,...No screaming kids, no Ringing phones. I'm able to block out the world, sit under my shade tree, listen the wind and just let my hand go.
Today,..... I desperately feel the need and the urge to do so. I feel like something inside of me is screaming to get out today, and for some reason it feels like the only way out is through my finger tips....
The picture above is the next portrait Im painting. There was a couple that I absolutely loved.
This was one of them. So, just as soon as my husband gets home....Im going down the hill to get some more paints and canvas,....Either oil paints or water colors.....Haven't decided.
Anyways, This is also my first blog. Pretty cool huh. I thought about making it yesterday but today found it more inviting.
Leave comments As Im sure, Ill be blogging alot!!!!